Amberlou, welcome to the site. Sorry to say but however attractive your friend is, he comes with toxic baggage.
One of the methods of the JW cult is to enforce compliance by guilt and by family ties. Your lover will be getting the cold shoulder from his old friends in the religion and especially from his family. If he has few friends then be suspicious, he may be looking to you to resolve all of his troubles most of which will have stemmed from being a JW.
The JW religion teaches however that family come second to loyalty to the religion. Should you get together you must recognise that at some stage in the future when things are tough, his indoctrination might surface again and he desires to go back to the cult. This is very common -- and where would it leave you?
So just a gentle warning, before you proceed in your relationship, for your own safety and peace of mind, do make sure that he understands that the JW religion is a negative force within families and has deep psychological pull on those who have been there. Otherwise you are hitching up with an unreliable partner likely to ruin the relationship because of his earlier indoctrination.
Sorry but that's the JW experience.